Thank you for your interest in associating with Dhanush.
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Please keep all these documents at your desk while filling the form.
- Demat Board Resolution on Letterhead.
- Trading Board Resolution on Letterhead.
- List of Directors on Letterhead.
- List of Authorized Signatories with specimen signature on letterhead.
- Copy of Pan Card and Address proof of Company
- Copy of Pan Card and Addresss proof of Directors/Authorized Signatories
- Latest share holding pattern on letterhead
- Audited Balance Sheet (last 2 years)
- Bank Proof (Latest bank statement or Personalized canceled cheque)
- UBO on letterhead
- Related party CKYC of Beneficial Owner along with copy of Pan Card/Masked Adhaar (if different
Director/Authorized Signatory)
- MOA, AOA, and Certificate of incorporation
- Form 32/DIR 12 with challan for Authorized Director
- MITC & CKYC download consent
- PAN of HUF.
- PAN of Karta.
- Address Proof of HUF.
- Address Proof of Karta.
- Adhaar of Karta.
- Deed of Declaration of HUF/List of coparceners.
- Bank Proof with MICR Code of the HUF(cancelled cheque).
- Demat Proof (required if opening only trading account).
- Income Proof (for trading in derivatives segments).
- Cheque for DP AMC (as per the scheme opted).
- UBO Declaration
- PAN of LLP.
- PAN of all the Partners.
- Adhaar of LLP.
- Adhaar of all the Partners.
- Adhaar of person holding attorny to transact on firm's behalf.
- Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss account (last two years).
- Net Worth certificate (certified by CA).
- Copy of Partnership Deed.
- Certification of Registration.
- Authorized Signatories list with specimen signatures (as per our format).
- Bank Proof with MICR Code (cancelled Cheque).
- Demat Proof (required if opening only a trading account).
- Income Proof (for trading in derivatives segments).
- UBO Declaration.
- Cheque for DP AMC (as per the scheme opted).
- Declaration as per format.